Click on any of the substantive legal specialties below to learn more.
Read the book, How to Navigate the Illinois Disability System.
The following articles and publications are provided for the benefit of parents, family members and caregivers of children and adults with disabilities.
These materials are free to reprint and distribute. When reprinting and distributing these materials, please include the author's name and include contact information for Attorney Robert H. Farley, Jr. as follows: Copyright 2014-2025, Robert H. Farley, Jr., Esq., 1155 S. Washington Street, Suite 201, Naperville, IL 60540; 630-369-0103;
We publish an enewsletter with valuable information for parents, guardians, treatment professional and others regarding disability rights and legal developments in the field. Click below for archived edtions of our enews.
Click here to subscribe now to our E-newsletter, The Law for Children and Adults with Disabilities.
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If you have questions concerning the content of these materials, or need assistance, please contact us.