Click on any of the substantive legal specialties below to learn more.
Click here to view video of Mr. Farley's presentation, Obtaining Funding or Services for Children & Adults with DD in the State of Illinois.
SSI is a federally-financed and administered, needs-based program, guaranteeing a national minimum income level for the aged, blind, and disabled with limited income and resources. Individuals with developmental disabilities should apply for SSI when they turn 18, as most will satisfy the tests for limited income and resources because after 18, the income of his or her parents is not considered in the benefit determination.
Several factors affect the amount of SSI benefits paid, including the individual's living arrangements, resources and assets, and whether those resources and assets are held by the individual or in trust.
Legal advice may be necessary to maximize SSI benefits and to ensure that resources and assets are protected and not counted in the benefit determination.
Click here for our Q&A on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for Disabled Adults (18+)
Click here for SSI for Disabled Children (Under Age 18)
Click here for obtaining Medicare Health Coverage for a Disabled Young Adult receiving SSI benefits