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Legal Specialties for Children and Adults with Disabilities and Their Families

Click on any of the substantive legal specialties below to learn more.

Publications and other resource material for families and professionals.

Robert H. Farley, Jr. writes and publishes on disability and disability law regularly. Below is a sampling of currently available articles and publications.

Click here to view more on our main publications page.

Publications and articles are available for reprint by not-for-profit agencies and parents groups; please see reprint requirements on our publications page.

Workshops, Seminars and Presentations

Robert H. Farley, Jr. is available to speak to parents groups, organizations, and agencies on a wide variety of issues related to disability advocacy and disability services. Popular topics include:

  • Adult Services for Developmentally Disabled Persons
  • Waiting List for Services: Fact or Fiction

Click here to visit our main workshops page.

video snaphot of Mr. Farley speaking

Click here to view video of Mr. Farley's presentation, Obtaining Funding or Services for Children & Adults with DD in the State of Illinois.

Robert H. Farley, Jr.

Attorney Robert H. Farley, Jr., a graduate of the Northwestern University School of Law, has been providing legal representation to children and adult individuals with disabilities and their families for over twenty-five years in support of their rights, entitlements to adult and children services, guardianship, development of customized estate plans, special needs trusts, and public benefits.

Mr. Farley's law practice is exclusively focused on representing children, young adults, and adults obtaining government services and benefits due to their disability, whether they are developmentally disabled, mentally ill, physically disabled, elderly or medically fragile.

Mr. Farley has argued numerous cases before the Illinois Supreme Court and before the Federal District and United States Court of Appeals. He was the lead attorney in the precedent-setting case in the State of Illinois where the United States Court of Appeals held that Mr. Farley's developmentally disabled clients were entitled to sue the State of Illinois under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to receive services in the least restrictive setting or community. In two of Mr. Farley's federal cases, the United States Department of Justice has filed legal briefs in support of the claims raised by the disabled. The United States Department of Justice stated in one Court filing, that "Robert Farley is an experienced advocate. . ."

Mr. Farley has secured community-based funding for children and adults with disabilities even though they had been previously denied funding by the State of Illinois because the State did not consider them to be an emergency or a priority for funding.

Mr. Farley has successfully filed 7 Federal Class Action Lawsuits against the State of Illinois during the past 10 years to secure funding for services and protect the legal rights for persons with disabilities. No other attorney in the United States has achieved this level of success for persons with disabilities.

Mr. Farley has received from "The Arc of Illinois" the "President's Award - For Outstanding Legal Advocacy On Behalf Of People with Developmental Disabilities in Illinois." From "Advocates United," Mr. Farley received an award for "Extraordinary Dedication & Tireless Work for Quality Life Choices for All People with Disabilities."

Mr. Farley speaks and writes frequently on the topics of disability, disability rights and responsibilities under the law, and advocacy for children and adults with disabilities.

Mr. Farley is the proud father of four children, including Ryan, his 35 year old developmentally disabled son.